Always Best to Read the Codex

Ho hum, despite poring over the internet for Rune Priest ideas, I realised yesterday that Rune Priests are actually armed with Runic Weapons and Wolf Priests are armed with Crozius Arcanum’s – which means the weapon I’ve converted actually doesn’t look quite right – oh joy.  So I’m faced with a few different thoughts.  Currently […]

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Is it possible…?

…to create a decent Thunderhawk Gunship for a sensible price using regularly available components? The last weekend I visited friends in Cheltenham and have subsequently been invited along for a few 40k games with my Space Wolves should I fancy it.  It also seems that they play fairly large (as in Apocolypse sized) games which […]

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Using Masks

I’ve recently been painting a GW Shrine of the Aquila 40K building.  Well when I say painting I actually mean airbrushing.  I’ve now managed to do a nice mottled blue on the outside of the building and a mottled creamy colour inside.  Doing something on this scale really teaches you airbrush control and repeatability, as […]

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And yet another month has flown past without me touching any modelling or painting.  My office has almost come together and I just need to fit some sliding shelves into one of the cuboards and put the doors on and all will be pretty much done. I’ve largely resigned myself to the fact that I’m […]

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A Thought

This weekend I finally got round to moving most of the ‘desk based’ items from my Mum’s house over to mine, so I potentially could actually start painting and modelling.  I also shifted across the Dreadnought that I did as last years GD entry and had a weird thought – how about having another go […]

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Its been a long time…

Yup, over eight months since my last post and boy have things changed in my life.  I have recently just bought (and moved into) my first house which has consumed bags of time and money – but worth it without a doubt.  I have a three bedroom semi-detached place with garden and garage.  I’ve just […]

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Great, just when I was getting into the swing of things again I go and injure myself.  I’ve somehow managed to end up with an inflamed lung lining, this was absolute agony yesterday.  So I am now on a short course of anti-inflamatories, hopefully it sorts itself out by the weekend as I’m meant to […]

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Looking Good

The weekend allowed me to make good progress on the Wolf Guard Terminator that I’m painting.  The armour has come out OK, not as smooth as I’d like, but it has been a learning curve without a doubt.  The key thing I’ve learned is that I need to ensure that my highlights are thin enough […]

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Tomb King Links

I borrowed the Tomb King Warhammer Army book off my brother yesterday, although it’s quite sparse on artwork there are some key elements that I could use for a possible entry for GD2010.  There is a really quite cool map/article that describes lots of traps encountered in a small pyramid. One thing that is interesting […]

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Flying time

I can’t believe that there has been 10 days since my last post, it’s true that the closer to the festive period you get the faster the time seems to fly past. I have however managed to get some painting squeezed into this last week and a half, so I’m thankfully not having large gaps […]

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Almost there

Well the weekend went quite well, especially considering I didn’t actually do lots in the way of modelling.  I did however get all 14 Blood Claws assembled & based and also finished off the Scouts and based those as well (yes two dozen bases).  So all I have left to do is the 6 Long […]

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Another GD2010 idea

This idea is probably the first that I actually feel genuine enthusiasm towards.  As I may have mentioned, I feel that a lot of the recent diorama’s that have won at Golden Demon have been small and don’t have much in the way of ‘battle’ in them – they are however brilliant on technical and […]

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Eighteen Done

It took me less time than I originally thought and I now have eighteen nicely based marines.  Five Skyclaws, a pack of five Grey Hunters and another pack of eight Grey Hunters.  Overall I’m very happy with how they’ve come out, the bases add 2 to 3 mm onto the height of each marine and […]

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