Games and Progress

Well although I didn’t manage to hit my target of getting a unit of Blood Claws painted (it was quite a difficult challenge if I’m honest), I did get in a really good game of Warhammer 40k 6th Edition on Sunday.  A bit of a learning curve (I lost) and still plenty of rules that […]

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Worked Out a Process!

My plan of ploughing into my Space Wolves has worked quite well although I would have liked to have got further than I did.  I believe that I’ve finally managed to work out a simple, effective and straight forward way of painting up a Space Wolf to a decent gaming standard.  It does have more […]

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Making good progress

In comparison to how long it normally takes me to paint, my first squad of Death Guard are progressing really quickly.  As you can see from the above picture, I have got the airbrushing, initial details and varnish done on the first fifteen.  I’ve done the washing on four and done the first metallic highlight […]

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Happy New Year!

2012 is now firmly behind us and overall was pretty crap.  That said I am on the whole an optimistic person and I did manage to get two very significant projects completed (the Stormlord Tank and Space Wolves Contemptor) and ended the year with enough cash in my hobby pot to collect most of a […]

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I took the first of my Forge World miniatures home last night and washed the first ten marines whilst my other half was doing some baking.  This is the first time I’ve properly inspected any of the miniatures and overall they’re not too bad.  There are some bits that will need to be green stuffed […]

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Deathshroud are here

Every year Forge World do a Christmas jigsaw puzzle of one of the releases for the early part of next year.  There’s been some discussion about what it is, but they’ve just released the last piece and it’s Mortarion’s favoured – The Deathshroud.  And they’re lovely miniatures too, absolutely full of character and uniqueness.  They’re […]

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Wolfy Goodness

Well the eight Space Wolves I’ve been painting are progressing nicely despite not having much time over the past week, in fact last night was the first time I picked up a brush since Sunday.  As I was airbrushing on Friday I had this horrible feeling that I would get different results from Space Wolves […]

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Chaos Lord WIP

The Dark Vengeance boxed set contains some of the nicest Chaos miniatures that Games Workshop have produced (at least in my opinion).  The Chaos Chosen and Lord are ‘spiky’ but hold true to their original Space Marine form and the spikes are more ‘warped’ than just poked on decorations.  The poses also make them appear […]

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I Like Rusty Spoons…

Well last night saw me applying the rust elements to the body of the Stormlord.  A process that was actually a lot more difficult than you would expect.  The basic concept is you mix some rust coloured pigment (or in my case ground chalks) with some Burnt Umber oil paint and a little white spirit […]

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