Tau Devilfish

After a bit of random searching on the eBay, I picked up a Tau Devilfish cheaper than shop price  (around £16).  My idea is that I’ll give it a decent colour scheme and apply weathering as per the Forge World masterclass book.  If I’m happy with it then I might even buy a different FW […]

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Top Secret Project

So I’ve been bad and rather than sticking with the Wraithlord I was converting as a Golden Demon entry, have decided to go for another project.  Again it’s an “almost out of the box” miniature, but this time is actually Warhammer Fantasty rather than 40k.  The project however, I’m going to keep top secret for […]

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No Real Progress

Hehe, it’s the middle of April and I’ve pretty much made no progress on modelling for the past four weeks.  The past couple of weeks I’ve been busy researching, buying and setting up a new fish tank as I’ve always wanted fish, however I did make a concerted effort last night to finish basecoating the […]

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First Steps

I have now got and opened the Wraithlord model that I intend to convert & paint for Golden Demon 2011.  It’s a lot more delicate than I thought it was going to be in all honesty!  However it’s going to be a good model to enter. I’ve gone over various ideas and have narrowed it […]

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A Decision!

Scarily a very quick browse on Games Workshop’s website earlier on and I’ve actually decided on what I’m going to do as my Golden Demon entry (and bought it too).  Purely by chance a Eldar Wraithlord model popped up in the “have you looked at” box.  The basic GW one is very plain and stood […]

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And yet another month has flown past without me touching any modelling or painting.  My office has almost come together and I just need to fit some sliding shelves into one of the cuboards and put the doors on and all will be pretty much done. I’ve largely resigned myself to the fact that I’m […]

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A Thought

This weekend I finally got round to moving most of the ‘desk based’ items from my Mum’s house over to mine, so I potentially could actually start painting and modelling.  I also shifted across the Dreadnought that I did as last years GD entry and had a weird thought – how about having another go […]

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Tomb King Links

I borrowed the Tomb King Warhammer Army book off my brother yesterday, although it’s quite sparse on artwork there are some key elements that I could use for a possible entry for GD2010.  There is a really quite cool map/article that describes lots of traps encountered in a small pyramid. One thing that is interesting […]

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Another GD2010 idea

This idea is probably the first that I actually feel genuine enthusiasm towards.  As I may have mentioned, I feel that a lot of the recent diorama’s that have won at Golden Demon have been small and don’t have much in the way of ‘battle’ in them – they are however brilliant on technical and […]

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A Bit Older

I finally managed to get round to taking some shots of the Dreadnought that I entered as my Golden Demon entry.  The paint job let the overall effect down, but overall I’m being positive in that it was a fantastic learning curve. I’ve begun to assemble a pack of Skyclaws now (jump pack marines), and […]

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More Musings

A couple more possibilities to add into the melting pot in regards to some kind of diorama. First off is a Warhammer Quest dungeon scene, but using modern models.  A bit like the one Mike McVey did years back where the whole thing is split into a number of micro-dioramas with different monsters and party […]

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A Possible Diorama

Having flicked through the Warhammer Online collectors edition art book, I think that I’ve come up with a potential concept for my Golden Demon entry next year.  Within the book (and indeed the game), there is a Tzeentch bridge, simply put it has a path leading upto and out of what can only be described […]

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Getting there

Quick post before I go out for the evening.  Here is the almost fully highlighted torso.  I’m going to work on the feet once the piece is fixed to the base.  I’m also not happy with the powerfist – stupidly I should have left it unpainted and done it red!  Mind you, there’s still time […]

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