The Master Plan

What is it they say “The best laid plans…”.  It has transpired that we have some kind of blockage in the waste pipe at home, which resulted in a pretty substantial flood from our downstairs loo – the water from my sisters shower.  This has meant that we’ve currently got the plumber in, dismantling our […]

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The Plan

Deep breath moment…  I’ve been concentrating on getting some websites finished off for customers as they’ve been outstanding for quite a while now.  I’m writing my own PHP back office to provide content management and such like, so it’s been a major undertaking.  Sadly this has absorbed most of my potential modelling time over the […]

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The Arms

I had today off, but went off to The Hawk Conservancy today and had a very nice relaxing day there, chinese takeaway for tea and have just chilled this evening.  However (and onto the subject of the post), I’ve decided that due to time constraints that neither arm will be clad with the ribbed plasti-card.  […]

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Where I’m at

A few days without a post, which is somewhat remiss of me.  Basically I’ve been messing around painting the couple of tanks that I’ve airbrushed the other day.  A few reasons for this.  Firstly it means that I can go back to my Dreadnought nice and refreshed, secondly it has been a bit of R&D […]

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Shading and Stuff

I was late home last night, so rather than get into anything major, I experimented shading and highlighting a cupola that I had airbrushed on Monday.  I used heavily thinned Citadel Washes for the shading, two to three parts water to one part wash.  First off I applied Asurmen Blue to parts of the model […]

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Yesterday I was able to gain access to the garage at home (there’s normally a car in there), so rather than waste my time as the Dreadnought was ready yet, I experimented with my new Iwata HP-C Plus airbrush.  This bit of kit is worth it’s weight in gold.  The control you have over laying […]

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The Weekend

So yesterday was my self imposed deadline – which I managed to miss fairly significantly.  I spent pretty much all of Saturday trying to get everything up to a point where I could spray it yesterday, 15 hours of modelling, much of it with a headache.  The legs are now complete and have in-fact been […]

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It appears that I have two parcels waiting for me at home.  One I think must be my pillar drill as it was despatched yesterday via fedex.  My pin vices arrived yesterday (fantastic for only £2.30), so the only thing that I think it can be is my ForgeWorld order 😀 This is fantastic as […]

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Base and Legs

I have very nearly finished the leg assembly.  The picture in the last post was taken just after I added in a piece of brass guitar wire (which seemed to take ages to bend to the right shape).  The 60mm bases I ordered from GW arrived so I was able to cut the cork to […]

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Knee Update

So I managed to get the right knee join pinned, glued and filled last night.  I used pure Green Stuff for the fill, as it’s more suited for the kind of gap that was created.  Also the trick of using a Milliput and Green Stuff mixture is that you sand it to get a perfect […]

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Managed to get the left leg cut off the pelvis and all of the rods that form the new hip cut and drilled.  These provide a lot more flexibility for the whole model’s pose in comparison to the solid joints that it comes with.  I’ve not glued the leg on yet as there is a […]

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Lots of progress!

Due to it being a weekend, I’ve actually made quite a bit of progress.  I’m still not 100% sure about getting it all ready for this weekend yet, as there is still a bucket load of stuff left to do.  The photo to the left I’ve just taken and shows the knee joint pretty much […]

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Just discovered a small dilema when starting to clad the various bits of the Dreadnought.  Due to the angles on the shoulder on the arm, using the textured plasti-card isn’t going to work.  Basically the front slope is a greater angle (thus longer) than around the side, resulting in the texture not wrapping correctly.  Going […]

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