Games Day 2013

Well the past month has once again flown past in a flurry of rather dull real life interferences.  It was however Games Day and Golden Demon 2013 on the 29th September and I spent the Friday evening and Saturday prior to the day rebuilding the base of the Contemptor Dreadnought I painted for last year […]

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Ever Growing Pack

Although I still have my drop pod to glue together, on Wednesday my other half wanted some company whilst she did some bits on the PC so I did a bit of airbrushing.  I have now managed to base colour another block of Space Wolves, including the remaining 7 Blood Claws of the large pack […]

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From the Skies

Not sure what happened but everything seems to have “come together” over the weekend.  I’ve done all of the edge highlighting (and pushed that further than I normally would) and got a coat of varnish on everything.  I spent a bit of time yesterday evening gently scraping the two pieces where the fins slot in […]

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Getting Closer

Well the drop pod is almost at the point where I can begin to assemble it.  All of the blue has been airbrushed and just needs some edge highlighting with a brush.  The fins has have their red tips airbrushed and again just need a edge highlight.  Once the edge highlight has been done I […]

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More Painting Time!

My girlfriend is away this weekend so I’ve a bit of quiet to sink my teeth into some more painting.  Just realised that sounds really harsh!  I’m lucky in that my other half is quite happy for (and encourages) me to paint and model, but there’s just something about being able to sit down and […]

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Drop Pod Progress

Just a couple of quick snaps of what I’ve got to hand. You can see the extra bits of sprue glued into place and if you look carefully, should be able to make out the odd bulge that’s hiding a magnet underneath . And here is the central harness assembly, floor and top section. Pretty […]

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Release the Pods!

Ok, perhaps a slightly inappropriate title considering how hot it currently is in the UK 😉  The past week or so had seen me beginning to put together a Space Marine Drop Pod as it’s been far too hot to paint or do very much at all.  If you’ve never put a drop pod together […]

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It’s Too Hot

The UK is pretty well known for it’s wet miserable summers and even wetter winters.  The country can’t cope with any kind of extreme weather either, too much rain will cause flooding and a couple of inches of snow grinds everything to a halt. We are currently in the grips of a mini heatwave which […]

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Games and Progress

Well although I didn’t manage to hit my target of getting a unit of Blood Claws painted (it was quite a difficult challenge if I’m honest), I did get in a really good game of Warhammer 40k 6th Edition on Sunday.  A bit of a learning curve (I lost) and still plenty of rules that […]

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Worked Out a Process!

My plan of ploughing into my Space Wolves has worked quite well although I would have liked to have got further than I did.  I believe that I’ve finally managed to work out a simple, effective and straight forward way of painting up a Space Wolf to a decent gaming standard.  It does have more […]

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Making good progress

In comparison to how long it normally takes me to paint, my first squad of Death Guard are progressing really quickly.  As you can see from the above picture, I have got the airbrushing, initial details and varnish done on the first fifteen.  I’ve done the washing on four and done the first metallic highlight […]

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Rivet Wars

As a miniature painter/hobbyist, I am constantly bombarded with numerous game systems and alternative manufacturers products.  Some of them amazing and others not so.  One thing that has become increasingly popular over the past year or so is companies putting up game systems on Kickstarter (KS) which, if you’ve never come across it before, is […]

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