A nice wolf colour scheme

I may have already ranted about this in the past, but I fundimentally dislike many of the colour schemes used for Space Wolves.  The standard Games Workshop scheme is far too ‘baby blue’ for what are essentially savage space marines.  Grey is a popular alternative (I even used it for my 2009 Golden Demon entry), […]

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A Bit Older

I finally managed to get round to taking some shots of the Dreadnought that I entered as my Golden Demon entry.  The paint job let the overall effect down, but overall I’m being positive in that it was a fantastic learning curve. I’ve begun to assemble a pack of Skyclaws now (jump pack marines), and […]

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It Arrived

I happily got home from work yesterday to find a jiffy pad containing a (slightly bent) Space Wolves Codex.  Though £15 is a tad steep for a book, the codex is actually very good.  As with most codices it’s laid out in the familiar format of Background Fluff > Troop Fluff > Coloured Section > […]

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More Musings

A couple more possibilities to add into the melting pot in regards to some kind of diorama. First off is a Warhammer Quest dungeon scene, but using modern models.  A bit like the one Mike McVey did years back where the whole thing is split into a number of micro-dioramas with different monsters and party […]

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A Possible Diorama

Having flicked through the Warhammer Online collectors edition art book, I think that I’ve come up with a potential concept for my Golden Demon entry next year.  Within the book (and indeed the game), there is a Tzeentch bridge, simply put it has a path leading upto and out of what can only be described […]

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Getting there

Quick post before I go out for the evening.  Here is the almost fully highlighted torso.  I’m going to work on the feet once the piece is fixed to the base.  I’m also not happy with the powerfist – stupidly I should have left it unpainted and done it red!  Mind you, there’s still time […]

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Ready for paint

Ok, not everything is, but in principal the bulk of the Dreadnought is now assembled and ready for paint, despite the “don’t let him get it finished gremlin” making the carpet tiles at my brothers flat take longer than I want (not even finished yet). I’ve still got the fur on the cloak to finish […]

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Cooking on Gas

It’s daft just how quickly you progress when you get a decent block of uninterrupted time.  I’ve just spent an hour and a half (or so) on both arms and they’re almost completed now.  I’m probably not going to add any extra armour plates on due to time restrictions, but the gun arm looks pretty […]

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Back to Plan A

I started off yesterday evening with the best intentions.  I cleared an area to work in, got my rivet maker out, lit a candle for the heat and got a load of sprues ready.  All I can say is that if anybody can get a Greif Rivet maker to consistantly make uniform sized rivets, please […]

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Just a very minor update post.  Despite going to B&Q last night to collect carpet tiles (the growing saga of my brothers flat), I actually got a little more work done.  I’ve redrilled the hole on the base that will take the foot – this is the third time – and ended up with a […]

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