Cherries and Candies

I’m starting to enjoy this 52 week challenge!  Week 3’s targets have been comfortably achieved and I’ve done a few other bits to boot! Firstly I’ve created myself a Twitter account.  Although I’m generally against “personal” Twitter accounts where people post up the fact they’ve just made a sandwich or gone to the toilet, I […]

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New Resolution

I know January isn’t for another 3 weeks, but I’ve been exceptionally rubbish at putting new things onto this blog, despite having done quite a bit of modelling and painting, and there being various “big news” releases over the past 6 months.  So I’m resolving to identify that and try and get something up new every […]

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Wolf Priest Kit Bash – WIP3

Do you know how sometimes something you’re working on just “goes right”.  You barely put a brush stroke wrong and everything comes together really well.  Well I’m happy to say that my Wolf Priest sits quite nicely in that category.  For those who aren’t big in the whole Space Wolf ethos and background, Wolf Priests […]

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Snow on the horizon

Hi folks, yes I’ve been rubbish at putting anything on the blog.  A combination of real life being far too busy and lack of enthusiasm to touch a computer have kept me away from here.  Which is actually a bit of a shame as I’ve been progressing really well on the painting front.  My Rune […]

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Rune Priest

What’s this?  A second post within a week!  OK, I’ll admit it’s me wanting to show off a little as I’m quite chuffed with the progress I’ve made on my Rune Priest conversion.  I say conversion loosely, it’s a 100% plastic offering but with a bit of modification.  The photo to the right shows the current […]

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Not Quite Two Months

Well the last post wasn’t quite two months ago but not too far off. Life is roughly the same, I’m still working very long hours but managing to get a bit of painting done most evenings.  I’m continuing to focus on my Space Wolves and this has started to pay off (although it’s really tempting […]

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Another long gap

I can’t believe it was March when I last wrote a post.  You may recall that I was starting a new job and may also have guessed that this has been in some way related to the lack of posts – you’d be correct in that guess 🙂 I’m leaving home before 7am and not getting back until […]

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Time for fake tan

Although getting up earlier doesn’t appear to be getting any easier, I am ploughing through my ‘Wolves at quite a rate. The pack markings have been done, all of the bone elements and trinkets, black on the weapons and all the metallics. I’ve base coated and washed all of the ‘rope’/thong type bits that are […]

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The Wolves Progress

Been a little bit since I’ve posted because I’ve been struggling to get anything approaching a half decent photo because it always seems to be dark. Thankfully the mornings are getting light enough that I can take a few snaps before I go to work. I’m changing jobs the end of the month which is […]

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Drop Pod Update

For some unknown reason I’ve never published an update to my Drop Pod construction.  I clearly began to create a post but then had a moment of epic fail and didn’t put anything other than a collection of pictures together. The drop pod is actually glued together now (the pics below don’t show the “engine” […]

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Ever Growing Pack

Although I still have my drop pod to glue together, on Wednesday my other half wanted some company whilst she did some bits on the PC so I did a bit of airbrushing.  I have now managed to base colour another block of Space Wolves, including the remaining 7 Blood Claws of the large pack […]

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From the Skies

Not sure what happened but everything seems to have “come together” over the weekend.  I’ve done all of the edge highlighting (and pushed that further than I normally would) and got a coat of varnish on everything.  I spent a bit of time yesterday evening gently scraping the two pieces where the fins slot in […]

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Getting Closer

Well the drop pod is almost at the point where I can begin to assemble it.  All of the blue has been airbrushed and just needs some edge highlighting with a brush.  The fins has have their red tips airbrushed and again just need a edge highlight.  Once the edge highlight has been done I […]

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Release the Pods!

Ok, perhaps a slightly inappropriate title considering how hot it currently is in the UK 😉  The past week or so had seen me beginning to put together a Space Marine Drop Pod as it’s been far too hot to paint or do very much at all.  If you’ve never put a drop pod together […]

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