Imperial Knights

If you’re a Warhammer 40k player and even slightly observant, you’ll likely know that Games Workshop have pulled an absolute blinder on the 21st and released a new Super Heavy (walker) into the 40k universe – the Imperial Knight.  This is a plastic kit, roughly 8 inches tall and probably one of the most imposing […]

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White Dwarf Changes

Rumours came out about 3 weeks back that Games Workshop were looking to get rid of their White Dwarf magazine and replace it with something different.  Initially there were quite a few different rumours, but GW confirmed a week and a bit ago that they were going to be taking White Dwarf over to a […]

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Evenings Work

Well although I didn’t get onto anything much early on this evening, I’ve just finished a quite productive session with the airbrush. Below is a (rather crap) photo. Everything has received a coat of The Fang, the minis that haven’t been shaded have then been shaded. Most of the tank has been sprayed but one […]

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Heroquest 25th Anniversary

Towards the end of last year, hobbyists got very excited when a Gamezone Miniatures announced that they were going to produce a 25th anniversary edition of the classic Heroquest game and put it on Kickstarter to get it funded.  Those same hobbyists were equally very disappointed when the Kickstarter got pulled due to intellectual property […]

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Forge World Bundle

It looks like Forge World are undertaking various changes in the bundles that they offer.  This might be related to the rumour that Games Workshop are redoing their whole website and incorporating Black Library, Forge World and GW into one store (at the same time Forge World take over Finecast production), or it could be […]

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Rivet Wars: Eastern Front

Despite numerous delays and problems, the first part of the Kickstarter I was backing arrived on Monday!  Rivet Wars: Eastern Front is a strategy board game and takes various concepts you’d find in a computer game and applies it to a miniature board game. Overall the miniatures are really good, some of the assembly leaves […]

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Furry Bits

Well the weather outside is awful today, despite yesterday being quite pleasant (though quite cold). Although I’ve been putting it off, I’ve now started the fur pelts and decorations on my Blood Claws. I’ve never enjoyed doing these as I’ve not really found a way that I like of painting them, however it’s a necessity […]

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New Theme!

Well I’ve finally got round to creating a custom theme for the blog and new logo.  I think the new look is a bit smarter and tidier and has a few extra bits and bobs behind the scenes so that it should view a little bit better on smaller format screens (such as tablets).  I’d […]

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Drop Pod Update

For some unknown reason I’ve never published an update to my Drop Pod construction.  I clearly began to create a post but then had a moment of epic fail and didn’t put anything other than a collection of pictures together. The drop pod is actually glued together now (the pics below don’t show the “engine” […]

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Games Day 2013

Well the past month has once again flown past in a flurry of rather dull real life interferences.  It was however Games Day and Golden Demon 2013 on the 29th September and I spent the Friday evening and Saturday prior to the day rebuilding the base of the Contemptor Dreadnought I painted for last year […]

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Ever Growing Pack

Although I still have my drop pod to glue together, on Wednesday my other half wanted some company whilst she did some bits on the PC so I did a bit of airbrushing.  I have now managed to base colour another block of Space Wolves, including the remaining 7 Blood Claws of the large pack […]

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From the Skies

Not sure what happened but everything seems to have “come together” over the weekend.  I’ve done all of the edge highlighting (and pushed that further than I normally would) and got a coat of varnish on everything.  I spent a bit of time yesterday evening gently scraping the two pieces where the fins slot in […]

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