What a Horrible Month

I don’t specifically mean December either, the past month has been utterly awful in the way of “hobby time”.  I’ll admit, that makes me sound like a complete diva, considering the last week of November I had a weeks holiday and went away!  But the week before was busy with getting things ready & housework […]

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So Busy!

Well the past two weekends have been insanely busy.  The only time I’ve picked up my paints has be to pop my painting station into it’s home on the top of a cupboard.  Next week bodes slightly better as I’ve not got quite as much on – only Monday and Tuesday currently so hopefully I’ll […]

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Zone Mortalis

The beginning of this year, Forge World released a set of experimental rules called “Zone Mortalis”.  These rules can be used to simulate close quarter battles in places such as underground bunkers, underhives, mine works and space hulks.  Zone Mortalis games are intended to be played with lots of separating walls and such like and […]

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Wolfy Goodness

Well the eight Space Wolves I’ve been painting are progressing nicely despite not having much time over the past week, in fact last night was the first time I picked up a brush since Sunday.  As I was airbrushing on Friday I had this horrible feeling that I would get different results from Space Wolves […]

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New Space Marine Rumours

I’ve just been reading quite an interesting post on Bell of Lost Souls.  It would appear that there is a fairly solid rumour abound that Games Workshop are revamping a large portion of their Space Marine plastic miniatures.  This includes brand new Tactical and Assault squads.  These are seriously overdue in fairness as the quality […]

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Future Projects

This weekend I was away visiting friends and spent quite a bit of time discussing the new Horus Heresy campaign that Forge World are producing and how we both intend to collect a Legion – Death Guard for me and Sons of Horus for him.  The end result is that we’re going to try and […]

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Chaos Lord WIP

The Dark Vengeance boxed set contains some of the nicest Chaos miniatures that Games Workshop have produced (at least in my opinion).  The Chaos Chosen and Lord are ‘spiky’ but hold true to their original Space Marine form and the spikes are more ‘warped’ than just poked on decorations.  The poses also make them appear […]

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New Citadel Paints

This weekend I spent quite a bit of time painting up the Chaos Lord miniature from the Dark Vengeance 40k boxed set.  This miniature is the first for quite a while that has actually “inspired” me to do some proper painting using a brush rather than an airbrush and fancy pigments. For those modellers who […]

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Ever since I was a child, I’ve always enjoyed taking photographs.  My first camera was a little disk camera where the film was on a wheel.  Obviously to anybody reading this today the concept of having only a dozen and a half shots and you had to take the film to a shop to get […]

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A Few Changes

It’s been a little time coming, but I’ve begun to make a few odd changes and a clean and polish, in an attempt to liven up the blog a little bit.  Scarily I’ve been posting bits up for the past three years and although there have been odd hiatuses on the whole it’s been quite […]

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