It’s Wulfen (Thunder) Hammer Time

Archive Painting Projects Warhammer 40,000

wulfen-thunder-hammerThe last week has been exceptionally busy in the “real world”, so this and a little lack of enthusiasm on my part has meant that the amount of hobby achieved has sadly been fairly low.  I have managed to finish the Thunder Hammer on my Wulfen wielding that and Storm Shield.  I chose a blue steel colour to contrast against the rest of the grey-metallics by adding a small amount of Drakenhof Nightshade into the Nuln Oil wash.  This give the illusion that it’s made from a fairly dense steel.

Triaros Armoured Conveyor Size ComparisonLast week I received the Forgeworld order that I placed before my trip up to Warhammer World, this consisted of a load of bits for my Mechanicum army – another 6 Thallax (two with Plasma Fussil), a Darkfire Castellax and a Triaros.  Over the weekend I started to tidy up the Triaros and must admit that I’m fairly impressed with it.  It is a monstrous lump of resin without a doubt, but on the whole it came without too much in the way of flash and mold slips.  The tracks are probably the worst, however most of the flash is located on the underside so doesn’t need a “perfect” clean up job (i.e. resculpt) as it’ll be hidden most of the time.  I’m planning on magnetising the side weapons and will likely glue and pin the main hull together for extra support.

Now I’m very conscious that I’ve lost a bit of hobby enthusiasm which I need to gain back.  I’ve missed the past two challenges I’ve set myself (mostly due to lack of time) so need to get myself back onto the “straight and narrow”.  This coming weekend is Easter which means that I get a glorious 4-day break but with a bonus day as I need to use the rest of my annual leave before the end of the month.  I know that I need to commit about half of that time to chores round home (including buying and assembling some new furniture), but plan to clear the dining table and lay out all of my Mechanicum models, including my Skitarri starter set.  This should allow me to gauge exactly what I’ve got to do on them and means I can start a mass-assembly session.

My Wulfen are very close to being done, I’ve the Frost Claws to do, some black bits (including the knee pads), some random bits (ropes, handles etc) and then the bases to sort.  In principal one big push should be enough to sort this unit out, plus the weather forecast appears to be OK for Friday which means I could get them varnished in the garden.

Once the Wulfen are complete I can once again get back to my Imperial Knights which are also fairly close to being completed.  Although in this case “close” doesn’t mean quick!  I’ve got anther session of red to do, black gloss, decals and then all of the edging which will have to be done using a brush.

Underslung Heavy Weapons from ForgeworldEven though it’s likely a month away, I need to begin thinking about “what next” as I have far too many options available!  My Adeptus Mechanicus / Mechanicum army does sound appealing as this will open up a complete change to my Space Wolves not only in painting (less fiddly details – woohoo!) but also in play style on the table – plus this also opens up 30k as an option.  However I know that my Space Wolves army needs a bit of reworking, plus I’ve many models waiting to be assembled and painted – Dreadnoughts, Bikers, Jump Packs, Land Speeders, Rhinos, Drop Pods to name but a few.  I’m also really tempted to pick up another box of Wulfen for different weapon options, plus we shortly have Heresy Space Wolves bits and rumour the underslung heavy weapons are being released too…

There is another Narrative campaign weekend planned for October so I know my Wolves will have at least one more “big” outing – possibly with an increase in points to 1500, plus there will be a few odd games before then – too many choices!!!

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