Bored Masking…

The last week has seen a surprising amount of progress on the Stormlord.  Most of the hull has had it’s hull colour airbrushed on and I’ve spent two whole evenings sticking on tiny pieces of masking tape so that I can touch up some areas that need to be black (ready for metallics) and the […]

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First Paint!

Since last Monday/Tuesday I’ve had a bit of a cold lurking, which on the one hand isn’t a surprise because there’s been a lot of germs flying around but also is because I rarely come down with anything.  However as is the case when I’m ill – it floored me Friday through to Sunday.  Monday […]

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Stormlord fully assembled

Well its no great surprise, but I finished off putting together the rear autocannons last night and glued them in place, which means that the Stormlord is fully assembled and with the exception of those two guns and the main gun, was undercoated on Monday evening so ready for paint.  I’m currently suffering from a […]

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Base Coating

My Space Wolves have progressed farther than they ever have done before – in fact as a painting .  Last night I finished gluing the sand on all of my assembled models and have popped them onto batton’s ready for undercoating (although I do need to do a tiny bit of green-stuffing on one Long […]

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Heavy Firepower

Well I had quite a successful weekend on my Space Wolves, despite rolling out the Sculpey I baked too thick, resulting in me having to bake another (thinner) piece.  I have now assembled and based (still need to be sanded) a Rune Priest in Terminator armour, four Long Fangs (two missile launchers and two lascannons) […]

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Ever had a sudden flash of inspiration where something has dawned that is so obvious you just want to kick yourself?  Well I’ve just had that.. I was just reading a forum post and suddenly wondered how much it would cost me to get together a squad of Space Wolves on bikes (Swiftclaws).  Reading up, […]

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Always Best to Read the Codex

Ho hum, despite poring over the internet for Rune Priest ideas, I realised yesterday that Rune Priests are actually armed with Runic Weapons and Wolf Priests are armed with Crozius Arcanum’s – which means the weapon I’ve converted actually doesn’t look quite right – oh joy.  So I’m faced with a few different thoughts.  Currently […]

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