Flags and Freehand

One thing has just occurred to me – and that is I need to make a decision on if I wish to add any banners or pendants to my Dreadnought.  I’m personally not a fan of banners, I think that they’re highly unrealistic in many aspects – in real life they’d add another 4 ~ […]

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Hack and Slash

A few shots of the components that have been worked on so far.  Top image is the torso.  I’ve sliced out the sarcophagus and lopped off both spindles for the arm mounts.  I have cut two pieces of tubing to allow the arms to be fitted and positioned as wanted. I’ve now cut off the […]

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Show me those thighs

Ok, perhaps not the best topic line :s I’ve just tacked the leg components together and in fact they’ve gone together better than I’d hoped.  Less slope is going to be needed than I anticipated, which is good.  However my gut feeling prooved corect and the left leg needs repositioning slightly, just to make sure […]

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After around about 8 hours of cutting, filing and some gluing over the weekend, what I’m aiming for looks like it is possible.  The right leg has been cut up into separate components and should give enough play to allow it to be hinged at the knee and hip so that it’s pressing down on […]

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When I collected my ticket I also purchased myself a regular plastic Space Marine Dreadnought.  I’m a Space Wolves collector and have wanted to put together a dread for ages, but held off because I had a gut feeling that they’d be releasing a new plastic one at the same time as the new Codex.  […]

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