Reveal image from Warhammer Community of the Nova Open Ardboy Big Boss for the Ironjawz faction

The First GW NOVA Reveal – Ardboy Big Boss


He’s mean green and coming soon!  The Ironjawz Ardboy Big Boss is shown off!

Reveal image from Warhammer Community of the Nova Open Ardboy Big Boss for the Ironjawz factionAlternative angles of the Ironjawz Ardboy Big BossNext week is the Nova Open held in Washington DC, which means a pretty substantial preview will drop in the early hours of next Thursday morning for us in the UK (that’s the 31st August).  Clearly we’ve been good boyz and girlz because we’ve been given a cheeky early reveal in the form of a new hero for the Ironjawz Age of Sigmar faction.  This lad has clearly been eating all the right things as he looks ace!  Lots of heavy armour with a massive spear and sword.  I do find the mask a little odd with various tusk like protrusions, but that’s pretty much my only comment.

Now we don’t yet know if this is a random one-off release, a special event miniature or maybe part of a new battle box of some kind.  I’d imagine that information will be given to us next week alongside the reveal.

So the actual preview is going to be covering a huge number of game systems.  We’ve Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, The Old World, Warcry, Underworlds and Blood Bowl!  Missing is Necromunda (sadly), also no mention of Adeptus Titanicus or Legions Imperialis – however they could potentially be covered under the banner of The Horus Heresy

The full line up of the Nova Open 2023 preview - Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, The Old World, Warcrcy, Underworlds and Blood Bowl

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