Preview Image of Warhammer+ 2023/24 with exclusive miniatures

Warhammer+ 2023/24 – Miniatures Revealed and other perks!


Following on from the silhouette shapes from last week, we have the full reveal of the two exclusive miniatures available from Warhammer+ for the next year!

Warhammer Plus 2023/4 Kasarkin exclusive miniatureFirst up as we all guessed is the Kasrkin inspired by the classic Karl Kopinski artwork.  It’s stayed exceptionally faithful to the superb original artwork in the same vein as the Terminator from last year.  I do feel that the head is slightly “off” with there seeming to be more head round the eyes than I’d expect, however I suspect it’s the angle of the photograph rather than something being amiss on the miniature.  What a great model though and really neat paint job!

Warhammer+ 2023/4 Karlina Von Carstein, soulblight vampire exclusive miniatureNext up, again as suspected, we have a Soulblight Vampire in the form of Karlina Von Carstein.  This model has two heads, one helmeted with a Loki vibe and one we’ve not seen sporting an extravagant hair style as we’ve become accustomed to seeing.  It’s really interesting that it’s a new Von Carstein and I’m looking forward to seeing if we get any hints as to where she comes from!

This year a Warhammer+ subscription gets you one of the above miniatures for free, access to the Battleforge part of the Warhammer 40k mobile app, access to the Warhammer Vault and the usual drip feed of animations, lore articles and citadel masterclass videos.  Additionally this year we get a 20% discount voucher for the Warhammer Merchandise Store, plus a second code in six months.  Last year we got a 10% off the main Games Workshop store, so I’d argue that the voucher last year had significantly more value.

One item that I feel is quite interesting is that we’re no longer being promised “additional stuff at our events”.  To expand a bit on this as I’m going to go off at a bit of a tangent.  When Warhammer+ first arrived, it came with the promise/impression that when attending a GW event, being a Warhammer+ subscriber would get you something “extra”.  Many people imagined that it might get you a freebie, perhaps a queue jump or even early access to purchase golden tickets for Warhammer Fest.  The reality was that there might be a few free dice at a gaming event if you tracked down the person who knew about it.  Nobody was expecting a free Warlord Titan, but nothing really came to fruition in the 2 years it was being listed as one of the benefits.

Warhammer+ in the UK costs £5.99 a month of £49.99 a year.  To be truthful, it is expensive for the quantity of content we’ve had over the past couple of years.  You can get an advert laden version of Netflix or Disney+ for a lower monthly subscription with significantly more viewable content available.  However, if you pay annually and reduce the cost by that of the free miniature, you’re only looking at £25~28.  We’ve just seen that they’ve employed a new painter for the Masterclass videos, so we will once more see these as a regular feature, the Loremaster videos are excellent and things like the Warhammer Vault are really good despite having one of the worst navigational mechanisms I’ve encountered in a website.  That’s not to say it’s spectacular value, but it’s easily justifiable if you’re going to consume some of that content and want one of the miniatures.

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